AI Consultants Building

Intelligence as a Service

Intelligence as a
Service (iQaaS)

We build secure and scalable AI
workflows in weeks

“Insurgence partnered with us to discover, design and develop a workflow in 3 weeks that saved myself and each of my team members five hours weekly.


The best ideas are being kept secret

“What we’ve encountered with our clients when we’ve asked about sharing their use cases is a pretty consistent “no”...the company sees what they are doing as a competitive advantage.”

Anonymous Head of AI at Big Four

We’re an AI partner that focuses on
results, not systems

“Insurgence focus on user and business impact first. Their guidance led our team to the highest value opportunities and executed in weeks.

Michael Brandt, CEO

We cut through the noise and deliver value from
AI safely and quickly


Tailored training with the minimum required knowledge for teams to get the real value of iQaaS.


Mixing our expertise with your best people to uncover low cost, high leverage iQaaS solutions.


Bringing in the right expertise to build machine intelligence in weeks as opposed to months.

Don’t be a stranger,
get in touch
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